Friday, July 14, 2006

Forthcoming in Museum Anthropology 29(2)

The next issue of Museum Anthropology, 29(2), is now in press and will be mailed to subscribers ahead of schedule. The issue features a range of worthy contributions:

an article by Nancy J. Parezo on “Collecting Diné Culture in the 1880s: Two Army Physicians and their Ethnographic Approaches”

an interview by Peter Naumann with Stéphane Martin, Président-directeur général, Musée du quai Branly

review essays by Aldona Jonaitis (on “Listening to Our Ancestors: The Art of Native Life Along the North Pacific Coast”) and Diana Young (on two Australian craft exhibitions)

digital exhibition reviews by Victoria Book (“Conservation: The Ram in the Thicket”), Patricia A. Gilman (“Saving Southwest Traditions: The Pottery Project”) and Michael Jordan (“Kiowa Drawings” and “Squint Eyes: Artist and Indian Scout”)

an exhibition review by Mary S. Thieme (“Transforming Traditions: Pottery from Mata Ortiz”)

and fifteen book reviews:

Walter E. Little on Crafting Gender: Women and Folk Art in Latin America and the Caribbean

Catherine S. Fowler on Weaving a Legacy: Indian Baskets and the People of Owens Valley, California

Jay Miller on Contemporary Coast Salish Art

Ben Burt on Santa Cruz Island Figure Sculpture and its Social and Ritual Contexts

Stanley Brandes on Forms of Tradition in Contemporary Spain

Michael F. Brown on Liberating Culture: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Museums, Curation and Heritage Preservation

Erve Chambers on Heritage, Museums and Galleries: An Introductory Reader

Robin Ridington on Whadoo tehmi: Long-Ago People's Packsack: Dene Babiche Bags: Tradition and Revival

Megan A. Smetzer on Small Spirits: Native American Dolls from the National Museum of the American Indian

Michael E. Whalen on Casas Grades and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest

Henrika Kuklick on Medicine Man: The Forgotten Museum of Henry Wellcome

Donald Crowe on Islamic Art and Geometric Design: Activities for Learning

Kathleen S. Fine-Dare on Archaeological Theory and the Politics of Cultural Heritage

Greg Borgstede on Appropriated Pasts: Indigenous Peoples and the Colonial Culture of Archaeology

Jessica R. Cattelino on Materiality

I want to extend my sincere thanks to all those who contributed to this issue—authors, peer-reviewers, journal and press staff, and well-wishers.

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