Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring Issues--Museum Anthropology and Museum Anthropology Review

I regret that the Spring 2008 issue of Museum Anthropology is still in production and not yet in mailboxes or posted online. It remains in the works with the publisher. For Museum Anthropology readers who are longing for new work in our field, I can announce that the the next issue of Museum Anthropology Review (volume 2, number 1, Spring 2008) has just appeared online. It features several reviews and two fine peer-reviewed articles. The first of these is by Jin Feng and it describes and interprets a village temple in northern Shaanxi province, China. The article includes a large number of beautiful color images. The second article is by C. Kurt Dewhurst, Narissa Ramdhani, and Marsha MacDowell. It documents and reflects upon a major heritage sector development project pursued jointly between a group of South African and United States museum professionals.

Find the entire issue online in free, open access format here. While visiting the site, please consider registering. Its free, it provides an option for recieving tables of contents by email, and it helps show your support for the journal. Look for the Information--For Readers link.

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