Monday, June 06, 2011

Annual Archaeology Prize

Consortium of Southwest Research Centers
Annual Archaeology Prize

The Center for Desert Archaeology has joined in a Consortium of Southwest Research Centers (CSRC) to offer an annual prize for an outstanding public education or outreach program that brings archaeological knowledge about the past to inform issues and problems of the present. The award seeks to stimulate innovative archaeological and historical scholarship that is relevant to issues of contemporary concern, such as sustainability, immigration, human responses to climate change, ethnic relations, war and peace, technological change, and other issues facing contemporary societies. The prize carries a cash award of $5,000 and will be announced each year at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

This competition is open to all Society for American Archaeology members and organizations that support the work of SAA members. Members may submit their own project or nominate other deserving organizations or SAA members. A panel of researchers and educators will judge the appropriateness, quality, and significance of applications, and select an annual winner. Evaluations will be based on the project’s scholarly and educational merits as well as the delivery systems that are employed to maximize audience reach.

How to Apply:
Submissions and nominations must be made by letter that is postmarked on or before December 31. Letters should not exceed 1000 words in length. Each submission or nomination should address how the project fulfills the selection criteria enumerated below. Submissions and nominations should be mailed to:

Consortium of Southwest Research Centers
Archaeology Prize
P.O. Box 400
Dragoon, AZ 85609

Projects submitted or nominated for the CSRC annual archaeology prize will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. rigorous and innovative research on topics relating deep history to contemporary issues and concerns
2. superior integration of interdisciplinary research
3. innovative and effective use of educational materials and delivery techniques
4. demonstrated impact on diverse audiences

Questions: (put “Archaeology Prize” in the subject field)

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