Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Book: Anthropology Unmasked

New Book Release

Anthropology Unmasked: Museums, Science, and Politics in New York City

Stanley Freed, author and curator emeritus at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City has just released his newest book, Anthropology Unmasked, Museums, Science, and Politics in New York City (Orange Frazer Press, $80).

Anthropology Unmasked is the 100-year history of one of America’s leading Departments of Anthropology and of the growth of the American Museum of Natural History itself from its uncertain beginnings in the 19th century to rank today in the first tier of such museums worldwide. The book features the groundbreaking research by a cast of extraordinary characters who made a success of difficult and dangerous projects in remote places – from Siberia to Greenland to the Straits of Magellan – where danger was routine and where heroics were necessary and expected.

Dr. Stanley Freed introduces the vivid personalities who developed anthropology and the major early museums. With over 50 years experience that included personal relationships with some of these men and women, Freed offers fresh insights, an “inside-the-museum” point of view, and heretofore unpublished material.

The book is currently available for purchase on www.amazon.com and www.orangefrazer.com. Call Sarah Hawley at Orange Frazer Press for more information. 937.382.3196.

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