Sunday, February 05, 2012

NAGPRA and the Future of Racial Sovereignties

A new online book here, about NAGPRA and the concept of race, by Roger Echo-Hawk.

Synoposis: Is it possible to live without race? In this meditation on the meaning of "non-racial" identity, the author claims that it is not only possible to give up race, but that millions of Americans have already done so. The world stands on the verge of awakening to this unplanned reality. What does it mean? For racial Indianhood, the prospect of this postracial world is both alarming and hopeful. To survive the future, racial Indians and their racially classified sovereign governments must launch an impossible political quest. They must consider their current status within the American political system in light of contemporary challenges to the racial status quo. They must question their loyalty to race and its system of laws and traditions, as embodied in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) of 1990. If the restoration of their lost status as independent nations proves too great a quest for them, they risk losing all in the dawning of a postracial America. What will they do?

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