From the AAA Jobs Page:
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville announces a position in the Department of Anthropology for a Curator of Archaeology. This position is a permanent full-time (12 month) administrative appointment. We are seeking a specialist in Southeast US archaeology with general knowledge of curation procedures for both prehistoric and historic material culture; a person who is familiar with computers and database management; and who has strong communication skills with the public and scholars alike. The Curator is responsible for all aspects of collections care and management for the Department, will be involved in NAGPRA compliance, is expected to be an active grant seeker and researcher, and will promote and encourage research on the Department’s extensive prehistoric, historic, and biological collections. Some teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels is possible. Ph.D. required. Review of applications will begin January 1, 2008 and continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, vita, and list of three references to Curator Search, Department of Anthropology, UTK, Knoxville, TN 37996-0720.
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