Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DMNS Internerships

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science offers numerous summer and year-round internship opportunities. Check them out here!

2012 Teen Science Scholars
As a Teen Science Scholar, you will collaborate with professional scientists in the field and in the lab at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

Lloyd David and Carlye Cannon Wattis Foundation Internship Program for Zoology
The Lloyd David and Carlye Cannon Wattis Foundation Internship Program for Zoology is intended to support projects involving use of DMNS Zoology Department collections.

Native American Science Internship
This internship is offered by the Department of Anthropology to currently enrolled, undergraduate or graduate-level students of Native American descent.

Undergraduate Research Assistant in Zoology
An undergraduate student is sought to assist the Curator of Invertebrate Zoology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science with field and laboratory research on arachnids.

Youth Programs Curriculum Specialist Intern
Receive personal academic growth through the introduction to curriculum development, training in the creation and revising of non-traditional children's workshops curriculum and ongoing evaluations.

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