Thursday, August 02, 2012

Digital Heritage Projects with Indigenous Peoples, continued

GRASAC | Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures
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From the website:
The organization is an international collaborative partnership of Aboriginal community researchers, museum and archival scholars and university researchers. Members contribute insights and knowledge from their own areas of understanding and in turn benefit from insights and knowledge of others. GRASAC consists of two key components: the network of people who meet, work together on research projects, and exchange ideas; and the web-based software tools being developed to enable remote collaboration and sharing....

...Access to the site is controlled for several reasons.
1. Some of the material housed in museums and archives is considered sacred or sensitive by Aboriginal community members. We are in the process of learning more and working out protocols to protect this material, but until that time, broader public access must be limited.
2. Some material on the site (such as digital photography) is affected by copyright laws. We have obtained permission to share this material with our members and member organizations (including our Aboriginal community centre and First Nations partners, but not with the broader public at this point).
3. Finally and most importantly, GRASAC was founded upon the principle of reciprocity. Members not only use the site for their own research, but are expected to contribute their knowledge to it...

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